In your opinion, what was the most helpful component of the wellness coaching sessions?
“The fact that you have a 'coach' to help you in the process of better living. Sometimes we just need an unbiased ear to talk to get people over the personal obstacles. With having a coach it keeps you on track because you know they will be calling you. They aren't your shrink but help you identify and work through any issues you may be going through in day to day living. I admit, I had apprehensions about this program. But after one session, there seemed to be a general concern about me, and it allowed me to talk about me. The encouragement I received was gentle and much appreciated. I am glad I participated in this program and hope that it is considered again for the future. I would participate again. People are our company's greatest asset.”
“Knowing that I was going to have an upcoming meeting with my coach to discuss my progress toward my goals provided a level of motivation that I needed. It gave me the impetus to finally get a medical evaluation of my cholesterol levels and eventually receive the proper medication to lower my cholesterol.”
“My coach helped me identify specific activities that would lead me to reach my goal. She encouraged me to set objectives; and I reported on how well I met those objectives in each phone conversation. This provided the extra motivation for me to follow through and act upon a concept that I had been thinking about for years. Thanks to my coach for very quickly sizing up my situation and helping me focus on specific actions!”
“The explanation that my coach was going to guide me to set my own goals and help me reach them -- as opposed to a scripted ‘this is what we're going to do…’ My coach was personable, extremely knowledgeable and a very good listener. I credit him in high measure to feeling great and working toward an ongoing healthier lifestyle.”
“These sessions effectively helped me to remove road blocks, obstacles and false starts I have had in the past and be more creative about working wellness into my lifestyle. The fact that the coaching was directed to my likes and lifestyle really helped me to achieve the level of activity I reached. We can all read and know what we need to do but this actually helped motivate me to turn that knowledge into action. Working through goals and encouragement to apply what I have learned throughout other activities has led me to look further than the activity itself. I have learned ways to incorporate new ideas into my lifestyle to keep me moving beyond these past few months. I initially signed up for the coaching sessions mainly for accountability but found that the sessions offered much more assistance than what I had anticipated. It worked well for me to have more frequent coaching sessions until I had a handle on what I was working on and was comfortable with it.”
“In our busy world, it's very easy to get "off track" as changes occur in other areas. The coaching helped me to stay more focused on the prize. Definitely love the concept, very helpful. I'd like to see a more specific goal oriented program. (i.e. initial screening to identify goals and trouble areas, explore on-line resources to build action plan for diet and activity, accountability with coach having access to on-line input, a little longer, more frequent sessions split into two parts--review previous weeks on-line input and make suggestions or give guidance for success in upcoming week). That would be ideal.”
“Actually having someone to help me and guide me through future changes in my behavior. I looked forward to every scheduled call, and hated to see them end. This added counseling was beneficial to my success and I hope the company can communicate this resource to its employees. I actually stumbled onto it by accident. There are no additional suggestions. This process was so much more rewarding that I imagined it to be. I was extremely lucky to be assigned someone that truly a caring attitude and was so knowledgeable with coaching, nutrition, weight counseling, and most of all listening. Thank you.”
Contact us to set up an in-person or telephone interview to assess your needs and find out if Employee Wellness Coaching complements your wellness program.
(619) 297-7542